Copia connects nonprofits with donations from local businesses.

How Copia works with nonprofits

The most important piece of our donation program is our strong network of thousands of nonprofit organizations that are eager to receive donations from their communities. More than 1 in 10 Americans are food insecure, and our nonprofit partners work every day to help their neighbors in need.

Copia Connect is designed to make sure our partners get what they need and there’s no “donation dumping.” It streamlines the donation intake process and is the access point for everything our nonprofit community might need.

Any 501(c)(3)-verified nonprofit serving those in need can sign up with just a few easy steps. If you’re a nonprofit looking to receive donations, let’s get started – it's free!

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Hugs _ Bags A Love Movement

Hugs & Bags A Love Movement

“That was the best donation we have ever received from Copia! The pizza arrived warm, packaged and sealed and it was a variety of pizzas including vegetarian and chicken. The timing was great. We fed at a community shelter right across from us and our clients were in heaven. You should have seen their faces light up with excitement! To give folks that don't have food fresh pizza was an incredible feeling and they were just so happy.”

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Reynolds Home

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Our moms and kids were thrilled to receive Dunkin' Donuts yesterday. The food quality was very good and the donuts didn't last long. Our moms and kids thought the donation was perfect and it reminded them that life is good. The delivery was super easy and there was not a problem at all. The Copia program is wonderful. Thank you so much!

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Cornerstones Inc.

These donations were used at the Cornerstone Shelter for Families and Single Adults. We were able to provide food to 120 people, including children. I would like to say thank you for helping us make everything we do possible. We are very grateful for these donations, which are especially great because we do not typically receive chicken like this and we hope to continue receiving it. We prepared a lunch of wings, mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables and for dinner had chicken legs, chicken breasts, mac and cheese and corn. Our guests were very happy!

Voices of Recovery

Voices of Recovery

This donation was really helpful for individuals in the mental health and substance abuse recovery community and we truly appreciate it. Voices of Recovery staff and participants, San Mateo County Behavioral staff, and San Francisco Mina Project participants and staff all benefited from yesterday's donation from All Day Kitchens. Everyone said the food was great and it was exciting to try food from a new location that we haven't received from before. [...] We appreciate all donations we receive from Copia and the donors and are very grateful for having the opportunity to receive donations like these. We received great food, as well as great communication from drivers and from the Copia team. Thank you!


Serafina Pantry

We distributed these turkey breasts from the Pok-e-Jo's donation to our care facility for older individuals and people who have food vouchers. A donation like this really helps their finances and is a treat because the quality of the turkey breasts are just like they serve in the restaurant! The fact that the turkey is already fully cooked and individually wrapped makes it super easy for us to distribute.


Copia is the leading technology-enabled surplus recovery service, empowering businesses to easily distribute their surplus. National brands across the US work with Copia to reduce food insecurity in the communities where they operate, help reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and boost their profitability.

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